Our Commitments to Your Dog

Here at Pooch Pawlor, your Canine Best Friend's Health and Well-Being are very important to us!

To help insure that your dog remains healthy, we disinfect all surfaces, use bleach when washing our towels, limit the number of dogs in our shop by requiring specific appointment times, and do not permit dogs from different homes to come into contact with each other. Any dogs that present with signs of illness or injury are turned away with the recommendation that they be seen by their veterinarian. Please, if your dog is showing signs of illness (lethargy, sneezing, coughing, discharge from eyes and/or nose), have them seen by a veterinarian.

Products that are Pet Safe Certified!

Our product commitment means we strive to use the best products we can find that not only keep your Canine Best Friend’s coat looking fabulous, but also address any coat or skin issues, and are also Pet Safe certified. To keep true to this commitment, we have searched and then researched a lot of companies. We believe that we found exactly what we were looking for in an Italian company named Iv San Bernard. 

Iv San Bernard, founded in 1995, is the leading European manufacturer of animal care products from Italy. ISB produces an array of products designed for various coat types and proper skin management with all products based on natural ingredients. Special attention to the skin, hair, and health of the animals through proper product use, selection, technical support, and training are ISB’s core attributes. Iv San Bernard was described by European Press Agencies as a leading company in the pet field in quality, design, and marketing. They are the top-selling pet grooming products in Europe and Asia and are now available in the United States!

On November 10th, 2021, Iv San Bernard became the very first cosmetic/grooming aid product line to be certified by the Safe Pet Cosmetic program. Europe, like the United States, lacks regulation to protect our pets against products that are not only of poor quality, but are also unsafe for our pets. With this certification, you have two different industries (the cosmetology and veterinary industry) evaluating the safety of the products. Together they are working to meet, and follow, the more stringent regulations of the human cosmetic field. This certification is done by a third party, so consumers can have confidence in the products they certify.