Tear Staining

What is tear staining?

Tear staining is a constant issue with many of our white and light-colored dogs. While this does occur in darker colored dogs, there is a much higher incidence of it in the white and light-colored dogs because the hair tends to be porous. Short-nosed or brachycephalic dogs also have a higher incidence of tear staining due to the shape of their face. 

So, what causes it?

Well, it can be one of several things. First, if it is red or rust-colored, it is typically from porphyrins, an iron-containing breakdown product of red blood cells. If the stain is darker, it is believed to be associated with a yeast infection. It can also be a combination of factors if the dog has eyes that tear excessively (more than the tear ducts can handle), which leaves the area under the eyes moist. 

How can it be treated?

There are several products available both on and off market that contain antibiotics to stop the product of the stain. These can be dangerous as they risk creating a drug-resistance issue with your dog and interfering with your dog’s normal intestinal flora that aids in digestion. Some believe that avoiding diets with a red meat base will decrease the level of porphyrins, however, this will not eliminate the body’s normal processes. The typical treatment is cleaning the eyes frequently and removing the hair under the eyes. However, frequently cleaning the eyes does not prevent the absorption of the pigments and removing the hair under the eyes leaves the area vulnerable to other infections while only removing the sight of the stains and not resolving the issue. Ideally, the area needs to be shampooed, conditioned, and a breathable sealant applied to prevent the absorption of the pigments. Keep in mind that this stain did not occur overnight and therefore the resolution to tear staining also does not happen overnight.

Here at Pooch Pawlor, we have three different treatments to address tear staining issues. Each one starts with your Canine Best Friend’s bath and grooming appointment and then is followed-up with steps you continue at home. For more information on these options, please contact us in advance of your next appointment so that we can discuss these options with you and decide which treatment will be most efficient for you.