Ears - Cleaning and Plucking

Ear Cleaning

Did you know your dog's ears may not need to be cleaned or plucked? Just like our ears, dogs' ears have a self-cleaning ability.  By cleaning an already cleaned ear, you are breaking down the natural biome, which may cause an infection.  

Ear Plucking

What about ear plucking? First let’s go over what that term means. “Ear Plucking" is a term used for the removal of hair in the ear canal. It is perfectly fine for your dog to have some hair in their ears as it traps the dirt and bacteria in the hair, preventing further issues. If your dog has an abundance of hair, it may need to be pulled out. As you pull hair from the ear canal, it can cause micro-tears in the delicate skin, for bacteria and dirt to go into, which can cause an ear infection.  

Here at Pooch Pawlor, we never clean a naturally cleaned ear, or pull hair unless it's absolutely needed. If your dog is prone to ear infections, please let your groomer know so we can take additional preventative measures.  

Both topics are widely discussed between vets and groomers. Outside of your day-to-day interactions with your pup, maintaining a regular 4 – 8-week schedule with your groomer will help ensure that any changes which may occur, are seen by your vet in a timely manner.