Meet Ziggy - the Aussiedoodle

Mr. Ziggy started with us in 2020. He had been passed from groomer to groomer and kicked out of shops due to his unwelcomed behaviors. Ziggy is the reason why all dogs should be on a regular schedule with the same groomer. He has come leaps and bounds from our first meeting. 

Upon arrival, Ziggy would pee from getting out of the  owners vehicle all the way to the crate. If you even looked at him, he would pee out of excitement. Beth started working with him to find better ways for him to have a great experience while working through all of his issues. His issues didn't stop at peeing. He was aggressive, willing to come after you just for bathing, brushing, or grooming. He had to be groomed straight through as he would work himself up having to wait. 

During the height of the pandemic, it was hard to get into a dog groomer without a pre-booked appointment, as most groomers were 4-6 weeks booked out. Waiting until your dog needed to be done, was a risk. Unfortunately, Ziggy's family didn't want to wait a few weeks for an appointment and had taken him somewhere else. Somewhere that didn't know him, didn't know his behaviors, and didn't know his issues. After months of working with him, one appointment at another groomer's shop undid all of the work Beth had done. It took months to get him to trust her again.

While Beth still has issues with him, they are very minor in comparison. She knows what his triggers are and how to work with him. He no longer pee's upon arrival or throughout his stay here at Pooch Pawlor. He no longer tries to bite for his bath, brushing or drying. The only minor issue she has with him, are when his front feet are being groomed, which he is getting better with. Ziggy enjoys coming to Pooch Pawlor and being pampered every 6 weeks.