Tips for Contacting Your Groomer 

When trying to contact Pooch Pawlor, or any other professional dog groomer, calling 🤙 or texting is the most efficient way to get in touch. However, please be aware we D🚫 N🚫T answer the phone 📱 while we have a dog on the grooming table  or in the bathing tub so that they are given our full attention for THEIR safety. Repeatedly calling 📳 can become very distracting. When working with sharp objects (ie: hair clippers , scissors ✂️, toenail clippers) and live animals, distractions are the last thing you want happening. Distractions can mean that the groomer and/or the pet could be injured. When calling or texting, please keep the following tips in mind:

1.      Safety for all is first and foremost. Your groomer needs to be fully focused to be sure that neither your pet nor themselves end up with injuries. Repeatedly hanging up and calling back could be a major distraction.


2.      Please leave A message. There is no reason to leave multiple messages. Some busy salons may take up to 48 hours to get back to you. If after 48 hours no one has returned your call and message, reach out again.


3.      Be sure to leave complete information and speak clearly and slowly. Many messages are not returned because of lack of information or because your message could not be understood.


4.      Please do not call for status updates on your dog’s time at the groomer. Professional groomers will notify you via a phone call or text message when your dog is ready for pick-up. While a time duration may be given for your dog’s appointment, please understand that this is only an estimate. Appointment durations are affected by the dog’s coat condition, the dog’s temperament, and other unforeseeable factors going on in the shop on any given day. So, if you have errands to run or an appointment to go to, go take care those in the confidence that you will be advised on when Sweet Pumpkin Lily or Sir Fluffykins are ready for their chauffeured ride home.

Professional groomers are more than happy to return calls at the appropriate time and during their normally scheduled business hours.