
Unsatisfactory Grooming Policy

Sometimes what you pictured in your mind and tried to explain to the groomer of how you wanted your Canine Best Friend groomed is not what you receive when you pick up Sweet Pumpkin Lily. This is why we always encourage clients to bring in a clear picture of what you want your dog to look like. We will do everything we can to groom Señor Fluffy to your specifications depending on coat condition and the appropriate trims for your dog’s coat without causing damage. However, if you find that for some reason you are unsatisfied with how your dog was groomed, we must be notified within 48 hours from pick-up to have the groom fixed, at no additional cost.

Matted Dog Release

Your Pet is IMPORTANT to Us! Pooch Pawlor’s top priority is the safety and well-being of your pet(s). Because we care about your pet's safety and well-being, we want to assure you that every effort will be made to make your pet's visit as pleasant as possible.

Matted coats can cause a variety of skin and health problems. Matted fur does not allow for air circulation to the skin causing hot spots, as well as bacterial and fungal infections. Fleas, tickets, maggots, and other parasites may be lurking in the coat causing further skin infections. Matted fur also pulls and binds, causing pain to your pet when they move or lay on mats. The skin underneath is usually raw and inflamed. Matted coats will not dry properly and can lead to rotting fur and skin.

Because your pet’s hair is tangled or matted, and/or it has been over 8 weeks since its last grooming, they are at greater risk of injury, stress, and trauma. Due to the matting, your dog's hair may need to be shaved extremely short to the skin and may show signs of skin irritation. All precautions will be taken. However, problems occasionally arise, during or after grooming, such as nicks, clipper irritation, itchy skin, redness (even occurring later at home after the groom), hot spots, cuts, sores, hematomas, injury, and mental or physical stress. To take care of a dog that has not been groomed often enough, and is matted, the required grooming session may be long, stressful, or painful.

Please Read the following:

Understanding that pets who are matted or tangled, and/or, pets who are not groomed regularly (every 4-8 weeks), have a greater chance of injury during grooming, I will not hold this grooming establishment responsible for accident or injury, including possible reactions and irritations that may even occur at home after the grooming process, to my pet. 

De-matting can often be painful and uncomfortable for pets; therefore, Pooch Pawlor will do what is in the best interest of the animal. This means that we WILL NOT de-matt any dog that is in severe matting condition. Unfortunately, this could change the final grooming appearance. 

If the pet becomes excessively stressed, is too aggressive, is in too much pain, or showing signs of medical compromise during the process of being shaved down, the groomer will stop, and I, the owner, will be contacted immediately. 

In the best interest of your pet, we require your permission to obtain immediate veterinary treatment should it become necessary. I hereby grant permission to this grooming establishment, Pooch Pawlor, to obtain emergency veterinary treatment for my pet at my expense. 

It is understood and agreed that payment is made and received in full at the end of the service even if the service cannot be fully completed. It is understood that matted pets and pets that have not been groomed within 8 weeks incur higher appointment fees due to the additional work that needs to occur, and the full price due cannot be determined until the end of the service appointment. Pooch Pawlor prices are based on weight, coat condition, products needed, and length of hair and hairstyling, I understand that an excessive matting fee in the amount of $30 will also be charged. Additional charges that may also be assessed include but are not limited to: special products needed for skin irritation caused by the matting and shave down. 

I understand that if my pet has any reactions to the grooming process that I will NOT allow them to continue to lick and irritate any injured, sensitive, itchy, or red areas. I understand that an outfit for my pet covering such areas from licking or scratching or a cone collar to prevent licking may be needed at my expense. I understand that if I allow my pet to continue to lick or scratch their body, it may cause further injury, irritation, or infection. I understand that any medical treatment needed is my responsibility. 

For us to have a good client relationship, we do require healthy responsible pet ownership regarding the care of the pet’s coat type. Overgrown hair can cause health issues, and painful matting. Being matted, they undergo more stress during the grooming process, must stand longer to complete the process, and this often causes them to have a poor behavioral tolerance to the process and be at risk of injury. Professional groomings are recommended every 4-8 weeks, especially for dogs that require haircuts and are prone to matting. We do not service clients whose dogs go past 12 weeks between groomings. (Note, we do understand things happen in life, but we only give one pass on the exception to this rule.) 

Pooch Pawlor takes the care of your pet very seriously. Unfortunately, the pet grooming industry is largely unregulated, and no certification or safety requirements currently exist. Safety, Experience, and Education are our core values. Pooch Pawlor Groomers are proudly: Trained in Pet First Aid & CPR, and A.K.C. Salon S.A.F.E. Certified. We do our very best to give your pet the best care we can provide while it is here.

Double Coat Shave Down Release

Your Pet is IMPORTANT to Us! Pooch Pawlor’s top priority is the safety and well-being of your pet(s). Because we care about your pet's safety and well-being, we want to assure you that every effort will be made to make your pet's visit as pleasant as possible.

A Double Coated dog is any dog, regardless of breed or mix, that has two unique layers of fur. This usually consists of a dense, softer undercoat of short hair and a longer topcoat of course guard hair. While the topcoat repels dirt and moisture, the undercoat helps to regulate the dog’s body temperature. This regulation of body temperature is why the undercoat thickens for colder weather and sheds out for warmer weather.

You have requested that your Double Coated dog be shaved down against the recommendation of Pooch Pawlor and your groomer. Therefore, we need to ensure that you are fully aware of the possible effects this can have on your dog before we can proceed.

Please carefully Read EACH of the following statements:

          Because the undercoat of a Double Coated dog is designed to help regulate a dog’s body temperature, shaving a Double Coat dog DOES NOT make them cooler. I understand that in doing so, my dog will lose this benefit of having a Double Coat. 

          I understand that in having my Double Coated dog shaved down, this DOES NOT reduce the shedding of the undercoat. It ONLY makes the undercoat shorter. 

         I understand that in having my Double Coated dog shaved down, this also means that the topcoat of course guard hairs that work to repel dirt and moisture will also be shortened and therefore rendered ineffective in its purpose. 

         I understand that in having my Double Coated dog shaved down, my dog will now be vulnerable to sunburn and skin cancer. Should either of these conditions occur, I will not hold Pooch Pawlor, its owner, or employees liable for any treatment or veterinary expenses that may result.

     I understand that shaving a Double Coated dog also effects the regrowth cycle of the dog’s coat. This results in the undercoat and/or the topcoat growing back shorter, in patches, or possibly not regrowing at all. Should any undesirable regrowth of the dog’s coat occur, I will not hold Pooch Pawlor, its owner, or its employees liable in any way. 

          I understand that in shaving down a Double Coated dog, skin conditions such as Alopecia, razor burn, or skin irritation and rashes from the dog licking and scratching may occur. Should any of these conditions occur, I will not hold Pooch Pawlor, its owner, or employees liable for any treatment or veterinary expenses that may result.  

      It has been explained to me that instead of having my Double Coated dog shaved down, it is advised to schedule the dog for a De-Shed Bath every 4 to 6 weeks. A De-Shed Bath is a bathing and drying process that assists in removing the shedding undercoat and thereby reducing the amount of shed coat by 85-95%.

Pooch Pawlor takes the care of your pet very seriously. Unfortunately, the pet grooming industry is largely unregulated, and no certification or safety requirements currently exist. Safety, Experience, and Education are our core values. Pooch Pawlor Groomers are proudly: Trained in Pet First Aid & CPR, and A.K.C. Salon S.A.F.E. Certified. We do our very best to give your pet the best care we can provide while it is here.